Saturday, April 30, 2016

First motorcycle ride of the 2016 season

Unlike the last couple of years, we got an early start this year: our first ride was in mid April--April 17th. I take it as a good omen. :)

We got an after church start on Sunday heading for a small eatery in Marshall Terri heard about. It turned out to be too busy to suit my growling stomach so we rode to the north end of town to the Marshall Diner. We hadn't been there in a long time so it was nice to see not much had changed, though it appears to be under different management since our last visit.

After lunch, we took the long way home. Riding the back roads through Hume and the surroundings ultimately getting back through Warrenton to Gainesville to home. All total about 136 miles for about 5 hours.

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