My wife and I...
took our motorcycles...
to Round Hill, VA...
on Saturday...
as a shake down ride to ensure my front wheel was properly mounted and had proper clearance on the left side between the brake caliper and rotor. It did. Yea!
Here's our route:
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A few photos:
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
D3O Aero: The Next Evolution In Motorcycle Armor from Bikes in the Fast Lane - Daily Motorcycle News

Wait...if it gets rock hard when there's a sudden and strong impact, how will that be any different than falling on a rock?
'via Blog this'
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Motorcycles R US
A slideshow of a (small) selection of photos I've taken over the last 8 or so years of our motorcycle treks. Enjoy!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Motorcycle ride to Culpeper -- a short trip on a "short" Saturday
We had a few hours during the day last Saturday for a short ride south to Culpeper for lunch. Endeavoring to find new ways to the same places, we took a not-so-direct route through Warrenton on to Rte 211 and then south to Culpeper through Rixeyville. I would include a map but I don't think anyone ever looks at them so I'll include a photograph instead:
If you're interested, here are the stats:
- 172.3 total miles
- 25.7 mph overall avg
- 41.1 mph moving avg
- 67.7 mph max speed
- 6:42 total time
- 4:11 moving time
- 1:30 stopped time
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Record Traffic Jams - Ride A Motorcycle, That’s Why from Bikes in the Fast Lane - Daily Motorcycle News

12 days! That's funny!
Here's the list:
- Beijing - Tibet "Express" Way, China 2010. Length: 62 miles. Delay: 12 Days. Reason: Too much traffic, especially trucks.
- Bethel, New York, USA 1969. Length: 20 miles. Delay: 3 Days. Reason: Woodstock music festival and its 500,000 visitors.
- Chicago, USA 2011. Length: ? miles: Delay: 12 Hours. Reason: 20.2 inches of snow
- East/West Germany 1990. Length: ? miles. Delays: ? Days. Reason Unification of Germany, 18 Million cars going both ways on a road meant for 500.000.
- Texas, USA 2005. Length: 300 miles. Delay: 48 Hours. Reason: Hurricane Rita approaching, 2.5 million people fleeing Houston.
- Lyon-Paris, France 1980. Length: 109 miles. Delay: ? Reason: Skiing holidayer returning to Paris and bad weather.
- Moscow, Russia 2012. Length: ? miles. Delay: 3 Days: Reason: Snow storm on the M-10 Highway.
- San Paulo, Brazil 2009: Length: 182 miles (out of 522 miles of road). Delay: ?. Reason: Normal traffic delays.
- Tokyo, Japan 1990. Length: 84 miles. Delay: ?. reason Holidayers heading back home and people evacuating upcoming typhoon.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Evel Knievel Inspired Rocket Cycle Jump to be Attempted during Sturgis Motorcycle Rally > Sturgis Rally > Buffalo Chip Announcements

Uh....this has been tried before...I wonder what urges men to get into/onto vehicles and jump over stuff? 'via Blog this'
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
The Smallest Theatre in the World is on a Royal Enfield Motorcycle

The video is 5-min long...but I'm warning you now, you'll never get those five minutes back.
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