Monday, July 5, 2010

Odd town and road names

I planned a quick overnighter leaving midday on Friday (the gov't got an early out for the 4th...yea!), staying in Culpeper, and returning early evening on Saturday. We passed through a few VA towns with odd names--at least odd to me:

We headed west from home to Gore, VA. A pretty gore.

We headed south for Olddrag, VA. Despite leaving at 2pm, the holiday traffic vacating the nation's Capitol affected our ability to promptly get out of town. Also, I had a suspicion that the route to Olddrag would have us on unpaved roads--something I wasn't in the mood for. So, we called an audible and decided to skip Olddrag and head for the hotel in Culpeper.

After breakfast the next morning, we headed south for Walton's Store Road, then northeast to Cuckoo, and on around to Bumpass, named for Capt. John Thomas Bumpass, Sr.

After stopping at our favorite diner in Fredericksburg for a mid-afternoon lunch, we headed home.

A good trip. We traveled many roads we haven't been on before--something that is increasingly difficult to do in close proximity to home. Total of 345 miles over two days. Lots of fun!

Ride safe...ride often.

A slideshow of some of the photos:

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