This now in Washington state. Click here for a link to another piece I wrote up about similar laws closer to home.
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This now in Washington state. Click here for a link to another piece I wrote up about similar laws closer to home.
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It looks like NC is getting ready to take the plunge...
If it passes, I'll only need to wear a helmet in GA on my way to FL.
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Spoiler alert: Japanese motorcycles have fewer problems than Harley or BMW. No surprises there.
More importantly, the web posting has some good tips on keeping up with preventive maintenance and the importance of properly inflated tires...
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If you're hanging out in the north of France, stop in at Cany-Barville and check out this display.
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I'm not sure whether this is an actual custom build or a 3D CAD virtual design contest. Looks cool!
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I'm too lazy to check to see if New Zealand continues to hold the record for highest per captia motorcyclists anywhere in the world. But even if not true, this article from the Bay of Plenty Times (an NZ newspaper site) shows the Kiwis still know how to enjoy themselves. Good on ya mate.
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These tires will be sized for a number of Harley models, but the trend towards increased mileage for motorcycle tires is a good thing.
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Hmmm....I previously posted an article that said Suzuki was filing Chapter 11, but now I'm beginning to think that was the car division of Suzuki rather than the motorcycle division. Thank goodness!
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“A skittish motorbike with a touch of blood in it is better than all the riding animals on earth, because of its logical extension of our faculties, and the hint, the provocation, to excess conferred by its honeyed untiring smoothness.” -TE Lawrence